Septiembre es el Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre la Obesidad Infantil

SOMOS Community Care trabaja con padres y organizaciones comunitarias, para que cada niño tenga la oportunidad de crecer sano y activo. Septiembre es el Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre la Obesidad Infantil, siendo este el  mejor momento para recordar que la obesidad infantil es un  grave problema de salud pública  al que se enfrenta aproximadamente
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Spice Up Your Life!

Are you looking for ways to improve your lifestyle and health? Why not spice up your life by literally spicing up your diet to achieve a fuller health and well-being? And seeing that it’s fall, what better time than now to add a dash of pumpkin spice, which combines spices including ginger and cinnamon, to your next latte, yogurt, or fall dessert?

A Fall Veggie Delight!

[avatar user=”doller” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=””]By: Denisse Oller[/avatar] A Fall Veggie Delight! Here is a dish for you, vegetable lovers… even for those of you who think you do not like vegetables! You are going to fall for this. Pisto is the name of a Spanish dish typical from the Region of Murcia and La Mancha. It is made of tomatoes, onions, eggplant, green and
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Vegetales con Sabor a España

[avatar user=”doller” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=””]By: Denisse Oller[/avatar] Vegetales con Sabor a España Si eres amante de los vegetales, esta receta te hará la boca agua. Es más, te aseguro que te encantará aún si crees que no te gustan los vegetales. Pisto es el nombre de un plato típico español de las regiones de Murcia
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La Calabaza: ¡ Mucho más que un adorno de Halloween!

[avatar user=”doller” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=””]By: Denisse Oller[/avatar] El mes de octubre es sinónimo de otoño. Su llegada anuncia el cambio de color del follaje, la Fiesta de las Brujas y por supuesto, la presencia de calabazas por doquier. Como este año hemos tenido una excelente cosecha, ya los mercados locales las tienen a la venta,
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Life! Age, Wisdom, Gratitude

In my journey of self-discovery, it has been in the trying times that I have discovered how strong I am. One day, almost 10 years ago, I was recovering from a disastrous car accident when I woke up from surgery to find that I could not move my arms. A grueling year-long therapy followed before I could move my arms again. It is at times of trial when you find out who is who: the cowards run and the true friends remain by you.

Three Back-to-School Steps For Your Child’s Health

As a parent of school-aged children, I know that August is a hectic month: shopping for supplies, finishing summer reading, and coordinating drop-off and pick-up schedules are just a few items on our to-do list. As a Primary Care Physician, I also know that ensuring your child is healthy and ready to learn is just as important as notebooks and a backpack.

Ready to Fly

As I arrived at Emory University to begin a “Health Coach” certification program, I recalled my previous visit to Atlanta, some 40 years earlier, to attend an Eastern Airlines training. It occurred to me that Eastern’s advertising tag line – “The Wings of Man” – which sounded so appropriate at the time, certainly would not fly in today’s more gender-conscious world. Here I was again, a woman ready to spread her wings, excited to begin yet another adventure.