Sneaky Vegetables

[avatar user=”doller” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=””]By Denisse Oller[/avatar]Sometimes even as adults we don’t want to eat the healthiest options. For instance, I know kale is a beneficial addition to any meal since it’s low in calories, high in fiber, and has zero fat, but I just cannot bring myself to eat it often. However, it’s important
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[avatar user=”doller” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=””]By: Denisse Oller[/avatar]   Dear friends, November is synonymous of Thanksgiving, a cornerstone Holiday for all Americans. It is a day in which together with our dearest ones and in the warmth of our dinner table, we give thanks. Every Thanksgiving at home is a family feast. This year our menu
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A Fall Veggie Delight!

[avatar user=”doller” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=””]By: Denisse Oller[/avatar] A Fall Veggie Delight! Here is a dish for you, vegetable lovers… even for those of you who think you do not like vegetables! You are going to fall for this. Pisto is the name of a Spanish dish typical from the Region of Murcia and La Mancha. It is made of tomatoes, onions, eggplant, green and
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Pumpkins are not just for Halloween!

[avatar user=”doller” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=””]By: Denisse Oller[/avatar] Pumpkins are not just for Halloween! October is synonymous with fall foliage, Halloween, and of course, pumpkins! For many, pumpkins are an ornament of the autumnal season. Did you know that pumpkin has more Vitamin A than carrot? It is an excellent source of fiber and potassium, low
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Healthy Recipes: Summer Rice Garden Salad

By: Denisse Oller What I love about this recipe is that I get to include many vegetables in the dish. You can eat it warm, at room temperature, or straight out of the fridge. It is perfect any time of the year, but especially during the days of summer and Indian summer. As a bonus,
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Receta Saludable: El Aguacate – Exótico, versátil y súper nutritivo

por Denisse Oller Dicen los historiadores que desde hace 10,000 años está presente en Mesoamérica. La evidencia más antigua del consumo de esta fruta fue encontrada en una cueva localizada en Puebla, México. Los indígenas le llamaban “ahuacatl” y los españoles lo pronunciaron aguacate…bueno, avocado, palta, cura o abacate según la región. De cualquier manera,
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Healthy Recipe: Chill Out Chicken Salad

By: Denisse Oller This crispy and delicious chicken salad is perfect for summer days. It is easy, has tons of flavor and it’s good for you. Instead of the calorie-laden versions, we used nonfat Greek Yogurt. Your guests will never know the difference! Yields 6 to 8 servings 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts or (can
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Receta Saludable: Ensalada de Pollo

por Denisse Oller Esta crujiente y deliciosa ensalada de pollo es perfecta para los días de verano. Es fácil, rica en sabor y textura y es buena para tu salud. En lugar de las versiones cargadas de calorías, usamos yogur griego sin grasa. ¡Tus invitados nunca sabrán la diferencia! Sirve 6 a 8 raciones 2
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Summer’s Bounty: Fresh, Local, Affordable, Delicious

[avatar user=”doller” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=””]By: Denisse Oller[/avatar]It all started with dry kidney beans. I used to take a bunch from my mother’s kitchen counter and plant them in shallow trenches in our backyard in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I would cover the beans with soil, water them generously, and wait.  It wasn’t long before the
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