January 12, 2023: The Smart Way to Expand Medicaid Spanish: La manera inteligente de expandir Medicaid
January 5, 2023: City MD vs. SOMOS Community Care: A Study in Contrasts
December 15, 2023: Excessive Pharmaceutical Pricing Needs Curbing Spanish: Es necesario frenar los precios excesivos de los medicamentos
December 1, 2023: A Global Campaign Puts the Spotlight on the Vital Role of Primary Care Doctors in Caring for the Poor Spanish: Una Campaña Mundial Destaca El Papel Vital De Los Médicos De Atención Primaria En La Atención a Los Pobres
November 9, 2023: It is Time for Radical Healthcare Reform in the U.S. Spanish: Es hora de una reforma radical del sistema de salud en los EE. UU.
September 22, 2023: How To Remedy the Shortage Of Primary Care Physicians Spanish: Cómo revertir la escasez de médicos de atención primaria
September 8, 2023: The Underbelly of Healthcare in America-And An Answer! Spanish: El punto débil de la atención médica en Estados Unidos, y una solución
August 10, 2023: There Is a Solution for Medicaid Fraud—Innovation Spanish: Innovación: solución efectiva contra los fraudes al Medicaid
June 6, 2023: Immigration Reform Now! Spanish: ¡Reforma Migratoria Ya!
May 5, 2023: Another Medical Revolution is Under ‘Way’ Spanish: La nueva revolución médica en curso
May 2, 2023: Ten Year’s of Good Shepherding
April 14, 2023: May We Be Like the Sandalwood Tree Spanish: SOMOS: como un sándalo
March 30, 2023: It Takes a Village to Serve the Most Vulnerable
January 13, 2023: The Federal Government & States Should Not Miss the Opportunity to Reform Medicaid Spanish: El Gobierno Federal y los estados deben aprovechar la oportunidad para reformar el Medicaid
October 19, 2022: The Need For A Push to Innovate Medicaid At A National Level Spanish: Indispensable impulsar la innovación del Medicaid a nivel nacional
September 29, 2022: America’s Public Health System Needs Fixing Spanish: Urge reparar el sistema público de salud de Estados Unidos
September 22, 2022: A Second Chance on Earth Spanish: Una Segunda Oportunidad
September 15, 2022: Not Just One Month, Always! Spanish: ¡No solo un mes …siempre!
August 29, 2022: Back-to-School: Back to Normal! Spanish: ¡Regreso a la escuela! : Volvamos a la escuela
July 29, 2022: To Live is to Rest-To Live is to Rest Spanish: Vivir es descansar-Descansar es vivir
July 29, 2022: Tapping Medicaid Funds to Tackle Social Discriminants of Health
June 25, 2022: For Haiti Spanish: Por Haití
June 10, 2022: A ‘Medicaid Moment’ is an Opportunity to Introduce Radical Reform Spanish: El ‘Momento del Medicaid’ es la oportunidad para acometer una reforma radical
May 05, 2022: How to Ensure Equity in Healthcare Spanish: Cómo garantizar la igualdad en la atención médica
April 21, 2022: Transforming Health Care for Minorities and The Poor
February 25, 2022: Doctor’s Duty is to Care for Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Alike Spanish: El deber de los médicos es cuidar por igual a los pacientes vacunados y a los no vacunados
January 20, 2022: Digital Health Transformation is Here to Stay Spanish: La atención médica digital llegó para quedarse
- December 30, 2021: New Year Hope Spanish: Año nuevo y Esperanza
- December 20, 2021: The Christmas Spirit Spanish: El espíritu de la navidad
- December 1, 2021: Artificial Intelligence Will Help Doctors But Human Touch Remains Essential Spanish: La Inteligencia Artificial es útil para los médicos, pero el toque humano sigue siendo esencial
- November 23, 2021: Giving Thanks Challenges Us All Spanish: Das gracias nos desafia a todos
- November 5, 2021: New York Inner-City Doctors are Transforming Medicaid
- October 19, 2021: A Call to Humanize Medical Technology and Ensure Healthcare for the Poor Around the World
- October 1, 2021: There is an Urgent Need For Smarter Medicaid Spending
- September 24, 2021: A Call to Open Our hearts to Migrants and Refugees Spanish: Un llamado en favor de los migrantes y refugiados
- September 17, 2021: To Learn, We Have to Unlearn Spanish: Desaprender para Aprender
- August 23, 2021: Masks and Vaccination Remain Indispensable Tools in Combating COVID-19 Spanish: Mascarillas y vacunas: herriamentas aún indispensables para combatir la COVID-19
- July 23, 2021: Tackling Social Determinants of Health is Key in Transforming Healthcare for the Underserved Spanish: Incluir los determinantes sociales de la salud es fundamental para tranformar el sistema público de salud en beneficio de los marginados
- July 12, 2021: Governor Cuomo Visits SOMOS Headquarters Spanish: La visita del gobernador Cuomo a las oficinas de SOMOS
- June 14, 2021:NYS Records Lowest 7-Day COVID-19 Infection Rate Spanish: NY tiene el porcentaje mas bajo de COVID-19
- May 17, 2021: Fundamentally Equal Spanish: ¡Fundamentalmente Iguales!
- May 17, 2021: A Call to Open Our Hearts to Migrants and Refugees Spanish: Un llamado en favor de los migrantes y refugiados
- May 11, 2021: Value-Based Payment is the Future of Funded Health Care Spanish: El futuro del sistema público de salud dependedel Pago Basado en el Valor Real
- April 19, 2021: Who Do People Trust?
- April 12, 2021: The Importance of Primary Care Spanish: Los médicos primarios desempeñan un papel vital en la salud de los pacientes más necesitados
- March 16, 2021: We Remember Them Spanish: Estan en nuestras oraciones
- March 10, 2021: Health Care is a Right, Not a Privilege Spanish: La salud es un derecho
- January 11, 2021: SOMOS COVID-19 Efforts in NYC Spanish: Los médicos familares se suman a campaña de vacunación contra la COVID-19 en NYC
- December 31, 2020 2021 Made New By All Spanish: Un Hecho “Nuevo” por todos
- December 23, 2020 Jesus of Nazareth for All Spanish: Jesús de Nazaret para todos
- November 24, 2020 Gratitude Spanish: La Gratitud
- October 16, 2020 Your Vote is Your Voice Spanish: Tu Voto es Tu Voz
- October 14, 2020 The Power of Scripture in the Healing of Trauma Spanish: El Poder Curativo de Las Sagradas Escrituras en Situaciones Traumáticas
- September 17, 2020: Racism, Discrimination, and Segregation are Social Determinants of Health Spanish: Racismo, discriminación y segargación: determinantes social de la salud
- September 15, 2020: Hoping For Better Times Spanish: Con esperanza en tiempos mejores
- July 27, 2020: In Praise of the ‘Hispanic Paradox’ Spanish: Reconozcamos la paradoja hispana
- July 20, 2020: The Way We Live This Pandemic
- June 30, 2020: Affordable Care Act Needs Adjustments Spanish: La Ley de Atención Asequible de la Salud necesita ajustes, no su total eliminación
- June 18, 2020: A Single Race Spanish: Una Unica Raza
- April 11, 2020: Easter and the Pandemic Spanish: La Pandemia y Pascua
- March 23, 2020: A Transformative Medicaid Program Draws to a Close Spanish: Un Innovador Programa de Medicaid
- March 16, 2020: Coping with the Coronavirus
- February 18, 2020: ‘Smart’ Healthcare Reform
- January 23, 2020:
SOMOS gives boost to 2020 Census
Spanish: SOMOS impulsa el Censo 2020 - January 7, 2020:
A program this is transforming health care for the poor must be extended
Spanish: Debe extenderse el program que ha venido transformando la atención médica para los marginados
- December 30, 2019:
A New Year to Rejuvenate Ourselves
Spanish: Un año nuevo para renovarnos y renovar - December 9, 2019:
On the Crucial Dimensions of Health Care
Spanish: Sobre la dimensión humana de la atención médica - November 25, 2019:
Study of health of Chinese New Yorkers – Roadmap for closing major care gaps. - November 18, 2019:
On Extending the DSRIP Mandate - October 28, 2019:
Opioid abuse crisis demands a holistic response - October 25, 2019:
HEALTH Care inspired by LOVE
Spanish: El Cuidado de la SALUD animado por el AMOR - September 19, 2019:
For a Purposeful and Well-led Hispanic Presence in the United States
Spanish: Por una Presencia Hispana en los Estados Unidos Pensada y Bien Liderada - August 2, 2019:
In New York State, focus remains on reforming publicly funded healthcare - June 26, 2019:
Neighborhood-Based Primary Care is Launched
Spanish: Regreso al futuro - June 26, 2019:
Neighborhood-Based Primary Care is Launched
Spanish: Regreso al futuro - April 24, 2019:
Neighborhood-Based Primary Care holds great promise for health-care reform
Spanish: Los médicos primarios de la comunidad, una posibilidad real
para la reforma del sistema público de salud - April 16, 2019:
On the need for a bipartisan formula for responsible, equitable healthcare reform an experiment in New York State may point the way
Spanish: Un experimento del estado de Nueva York podría señalar el camino para la reforma del sistema público de salud - April 9, 2019:
EASTER: Everyone CROSSES OVER, every day …
Spanish: PASCUA: El PASO de Todos, todos los días… - March 11, 2019:
Six Years of Pope Francis
Spanish: Seis Años del Papa Francisco - February 25, 2019:
Why flesh-and-blood doctors remain essential even in the emerging age of virtual care
Spanish: Por qué los médicos de carne y hueso siguen siendo esenciales, aun en la era emergente de la atención virtual y remota - February 7, 2019:
New York State, a transformation of healthcare for the poor
Spanish: Se transforma el sistema de salud en beneficio de los pacientes más pobres de Nueva York - February 4, 2019:
Effective healthcare reform requires focus on social determinants of health
Spanish: Es indispensable enfocarse en los determinantes sociales de la salud para lograr una reforma efectiva del sistema médico - January 1, 2019:
New Year … New Life and a Better Wolrd
Spanish: Año Nuevo … Vida Nueva y un Mundo Mejor
- December 20, 2018:
Christmas: A Call to Action…
Spanish: Navidad: Una Llamada - November 20, 2018:
Give Thanks… And Find Happiness
Spanish: Agradecer… Para Ser Felices - October 10, 2018:
SOMOS Tu Familia – health care for undocumented children - October 3, 2018:
INVISIBLE – State of Latino Health in NYC - September 18, 2018:
Hispanic Heritage and Three Urgent Needs
Spanish: La Herencia Hispana y Tres Urgencias - July 30, 2018:
Continuity of Doctor-Patient Relationship Can Be Life-Saving
Spanish: Una relación continua entre paciente y médico puede salvar vidas - July 20, 2018:
Focus on Social Determinants of Health May Hold Key to Healthcare Reform
Spanish: El enfoque en los determinantes sociales de la salud puede ser la llave para la reforma del sistema de cuidado de salud - July 6, 2018:
Human Drama, Human Solutions!
Spanish: ¡A Drama Humano, Soluciones Humanas! - May 9, 2018:
Dr. Ramón Tallaj: Health Care Reform Pioneer
Spanish: Dr. Ramón Tallaj: pionero de la reforma del sistema de salud pública - February 26, 2018:
New York State’s Healthcare Reform Pioneer Takes His Leave - January 8, 2018:
Back to Balance
Spanish: Volver al equilibrio
- December 29, 2017:
New Year, New Life
Spanish: ¡Año Nuevo… Vida Nueva! - December 21, 2017:
Those Whose Lives We Cannot Ignore
Spanish: Hombres cuya vida no podemos ignorar - November 22, 2017:
Receive, Give Thanks
Spanish: Dr. Ramón Tallaj: pionero de la reforma del sistema de salud pública - October 26, 2017:
The Doctor as a Social Change Agent
Spanish: La Verdadera Reforma del Cuidado - September 23, 2017:
Cultural Competency Holds Key to Revolutionizing Healthcare - September 14, 2017:
Hispanicity and Its Challenges
Spanish: Hispanidad y Desafios - July 31, 2017:
Comprehensive, holistic care will keep Medicaid patients healthier (America Magazine) - July 6, 2017:
In Pushing for Reform, Lawmakers Fail to Consider Smarter Spending on Health Care - June 7, 2017:
ACP General Assembly Remarks - May 2, 2017:
Value-Based Payments: An Essential Catalyst for Genuine Healthcare Reform - April 5, 2017:
Healthcare Reform Must Become a Strictly Non-Partisan Objective - February 2, 2017:
Why Does the United States Spend So Much on Healthcare for Such Poor Quality? (America Magazine)
- December 23, 2016:
Christmas and Family
Spanish: Navidad y Familia - November 30, 2016:
AIDS – It Challenges and Summons All of Us
Spanish: El SIDA – Nos Reta y Nos Convoca a Todos - November 23, 2016:
Gratitude: A Lifestyle
Spanish: La Gratitude: Un Estilo de Vida - November 10, 2016:
The Travails of Primary Care
Spanish: Retos y Oportunidades del Médico de Atención Primaria en la Era - September 28, 2016:
The Promise of Genuine Healthcare Reform - July 4, 2016:
An Independence Day Message