September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

SOMOS Community Care works with parents and community-based organizations, so every child has the opportunity to grow up healthy and active. September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, which is a good moment to remember that childhood obesity is a serious public health problem that about one in five children (19%) in the U.S. faces.   Obesity puts
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Septiembre es el Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre la Obesidad Infantil

SOMOS Community Care trabaja con padres y organizaciones comunitarias, para que cada niño tenga la oportunidad de crecer sano y activo. Septiembre es el Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre la Obesidad Infantil, siendo este el  mejor momento para recordar que la obesidad infantil es un  grave problema de salud pública  al que se enfrenta aproximadamente
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Physical Exercise = Better Mental Health

We all know exercise is good for your physical health, but did you know that consistent exercise is proven to have significant benefits for your mental health too? Regular exercise can help serious mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, among others. But how does that happen? What kind of exercises should we be doing to achieve these benefits? How much exercise does it take to get these results?

Ejercítese a cualquier edad

Hacer ejercicio con regularidad es clave para mantenerse sano a cualquier edad, pero se convierte en un factor más importante cuando los adultos entramos en cierta edad en que empezamos a dejar de lado ciertas cosas. Los beneficios de ejercitarnos diariamente son enormes, y entre ellos se cuentan control de la presión arterial, prevenir problemas de salud como diabetes y osteoporosis, así como mejorar las funciones del cerebro. Hacer ejercicio también está relacionado con un decrecimiento en el índice de mortalidad y de enfermedades relacionadas con el envejecimiento. Sin embargo, pese a todos estos beneficios, y muchos más, apenas un 40 por ciento de adultos mayores de 75 años se ejercitan con regularidad. Y es que no importa la edad, hacer ejercicio es sinónimo de ayudar a mantener una vida sana. Aquí les dejo algunos consejos útiles que le ayudarán a ejercitarse como parte de su rutina diaria.

Exercise at Any Age

Exercising regularly is key to remaining healthy at any age, but its especially important for older adults who tend to neglect it. The benefits of exercise are vast, including controlling blood pressure, preventing on-set health problems like diabetes and osteoporosis, and improving brain function. Despite the benefits, only about 40 percent of adults over the age of 75 get a regular amount of exercise. Regardless of the age, everyone needs exercise in order to maintain a healthy life. Here are some tips to help make exercise a regular part of your everyday life.

An Active NYC Summer

The sun is out, temperatures are up, and school is quickly coming to an end. The start of summer vacation is an exciting time, but it can also require an adjustment for many families. Kids are in school for most of the year, staying engaged mentally and physically in class and during after-school activities. With the start of the summer right around the corner, families have the perfect opportunity to introduce new routines that encourage healthy physical activity while enjoying time together.

When Was the Last Time You Stretched?

One of the biggest mistakes when it comes to stretching is jumping right into it without knowing what you’re doing. Oftentimes people will start stretching too quickly and hurt themselves unintentionally. By keeping a few basics in mind, stretching becomes second nature. Here are a few tips on stretching effectively and safely.

Confessions of a (Former) Couch Potato

Nothing makes me happier than to be at home, in my favorite chair, reading and writing as I listen to music. I can do this for hours. Uninterrupted. Other than playing with my dogs, I cannot think of anything that brings me such bliss. Yes, I admit it: All my life I have been a couch potato.

Confesiones de una (ex) perezosa

Sí, lo admito: Toda mi vida me ha gustado estar aplatanada en casa. Y así fue, por un tiempo. Es cierto que no estaba satisfecha con cómo lucía; la ropa me quedaba apretada, me cansaba enseguida y la artritis estaba empezando a aparecer en mis articulaciones. No me podía arrodillar ni aunque en ello me fuera la vida. Por eso, cuando mi médico me sugirió una operación de rodilla, me di cuenta de que tenía que repensar mi estilo de vida.