Apple or Apple Pie: The Choice is Yours

When was the last time you woke up at midnight and sneakily tiptoed to the kitchen in search of that mouth-watering snack you’d been craving (and resisting) all day? Groggy and unobserved, it’s easy to succumb to the sweet temptation of the ice cream, cookies, or freshly-baked apple pie. Tired but unable to sleep, you crave that sweet bite to make your dreams even sweeter. I know, I know. For most of my life I have been there to answer temptation’s call.

Manzana o Pastel de manzana: La decisión es suya

¿Cuándo fue la última vez que te despertaste a media noche y, en puntillas, fuiste hasta la cocina para buscar esa meriendita que te hizo la boca agua –y a la que te estuvisteo resistiendo– todo el día? Medio dormidos y sin que nadie nos vea, es fácil ceder a la tentación del helado, las galletas dulces o un recién horneado pastel de manzana. Cuando el cansancio se junta con el insomnio nos hace desear más algo dulce, que endulce nuestros sueños. Yo he sucumbido a esa tentación casi toda mi vida.

Summer’s Bounty: Fresh, Local, Affordable, Delicious

[avatar user=”doller” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=””]By: Denisse Oller[/avatar]It all started with dry kidney beans. I used to take a bunch from my mother’s kitchen counter and plant them in shallow trenches in our backyard in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I would cover the beans with soil, water them generously, and wait.  It wasn’t long before the
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Delicias de verano: fresco, económico y local

Como sabemos, por lo que nos enseñaron en la escuela, la mayoría de los vegetales son naturalmente bajos en grasa y calorías, pero constituyen una importante fuente de nutrientes, entre ellos potasio, fibra y vitaminas A y C. Además, una dieta rica en vegetales y frutas —como el plan de nutrición DASH— puede ayudar a reducir el riesgo de enfermedades del corazón, incluyendo infarto o ataque cerebral, así como de obesidad y diabetes tipo 2.

Straight Talk on Coping with Summer Heat

For many New Yorkers, summer means making the best of an unairconditioned apartment and descending to sweltering subway platforms. While we all think we know the basics of hot weather safety – put on sunscreen and drink lots of water – there’s much more you should do to stay safe when the temperature rises.

Confessions of a (Former) Couch Potato

Nothing makes me happier than to be at home, in my favorite chair, reading and writing as I listen to music. I can do this for hours. Uninterrupted. Other than playing with my dogs, I cannot think of anything that brings me such bliss. Yes, I admit it: All my life I have been a couch potato.

Confesiones de una (ex) perezosa

Sí, lo admito: Toda mi vida me ha gustado estar aplatanada en casa. Y así fue, por un tiempo. Es cierto que no estaba satisfecha con cómo lucía; la ropa me quedaba apretada, me cansaba enseguida y la artritis estaba empezando a aparecer en mis articulaciones. No me podía arrodillar ni aunque en ello me fuera la vida. Por eso, cuando mi médico me sugirió una operación de rodilla, me di cuenta de que tenía que repensar mi estilo de vida.

Inspiration and Empty Calories in a Land of Plenty

I was home, invited to participate as a guest chef in “Saborea 2017,” the island’s internationally renowned four-day culinary extravaganza. The event is always over the top, even more so this year, in celebration of its tenth anniversary. There are visiting chefs and foodies from all over the world, and I am always inspired by the fresh local ingredients, the bold food choices, the beautiful presentations.

asthma myths debunked

“No Symptoms, No Asthma” and other Dangerous Myths

Too many patients – not to mention parents of asthmatic children – become complacent and neglect to fill their prescription or take their control medicine. This is a big mistake because the most important goal is to prevent the next asthma attack. All too often, patients end up in an emergency room to treat an attack that could have been avoided to begin with. As Asthma Awareness Month comes to a close, let’s debunk some of the common myths shared by many patients.