An Active NYC Summer

The sun is out, temperatures are up, and school is quickly coming to an end. The start of summer vacation is an exciting time, but it can also require an adjustment for many families. Kids are in school for most of the year, staying engaged mentally and physically in class and during after-school activities. With the start of the summer right around the corner, families have the perfect opportunity to introduce new routines that encourage healthy physical activity while enjoying time together.

El estrés y el sobrepeso: Una mala combinación

Uno de los mayores impactos físicos del estrés en el cuerpo es el riesgo que corremos de caer en sobrepeso. Esto ocurre cuando acumulamos estrés y nos sentimos saturados de manera tal que empezamos a olvidarnos de nuestra salud personal. El estrés nos puede hacer sentir fuera de control, llevándonos a consumir alimentos poco saludables y cantidades innecesarias de comida para llenar esos vacíos emocionales que nos provoca la situación estresante. La buena noticia es que el aumento de peso relacionado con el estrés se puede evitar.

Stress and Weight Gain: A Bad Recipe

One of the major physical impacts of stress on the body is the risk of unhealthy weight gain. This often occurs when stress begins to build and we begin to feel overwhelmed and end up overlooking our personal health. Stress can make us feel out of control, so we’ll often neglect eating healthy or we will eat unnecessary amounts of food in order to fill emotional gaps caused by stress. Gaining weight in addition to the stress your body is dealing with can be frustrating and put you at risk for serious health problems. Luckily, there are small things you can do in order to avoid stress-related weight gain.

Sneaky Vegetables

[avatar user=”doller” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=””]By Denisse Oller[/avatar]Sometimes even as adults we don’t want to eat the healthiest options. For instance, I know kale is a beneficial addition to any meal since it’s low in calories, high in fiber, and has zero fat, but I just cannot bring myself to eat it often. However, it’s important
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Vegetales, ¿dónde están?

[avatar user=”doller” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=””]por Denisse Oller[/avatar]   A veces ni de adultos optamos por una alimentación sana. Por ejemplo, sé que la lechuga rizada o kale es un beneficio añadido a cualquier comida porque tiene un contenido de calorías, no tiene grasas y contiene un alto índice de fibra, pero a nivel personal no
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¿Cómo sabemos que ingerimos los alimentos correctos?

Marzo es el Mes Nacional de la Nutrición, y con ello llega la oportunidad perfecta para evaluar nuestros hábitos de alimentación y asegurarnos de que estamos consumiendo los nutrientes correctos. Pero antes, debemos saber qué significan realmente “nutrición” y “nutrientes”. ¿Cómo sabemos que estamos consumiendo la cantidad adecuada de nutrientes? ¿Qué nutrientes debemos controlar? Aunque “nutrición” es una palabra muy usada, los detalles que la definen son muchas veces ignorados. Aquí les ofrezco algunas definiciones y explicaciones que nos ayudarán a formarnos una visión más integral de lo que es el tema de la nutrición.

Are You Getting Necessary Nutrients?

As National Nutrition Month, March is the perfect opportunity to evaluate eating habits to make sure you are getting all the necessary nutrients to stay healthy. But what do nutrition and nutrients really mean? How do you know if you are eating the right amount of nutrients? What nutrients should you be keeping track of? Here are some key definitions and explanations that give a well-rounded view of what nutrition really means.


A Heart Healthy Dinner for Your Sweetheart

Valentine’s Day is all about hearts. Stores are filled with heart shaped cards and candy, bears holding hearts that say ‘I Love You’, and heart covered clothing. Not even pizza is immune from the being turned into a heart on Valentine’s Day. With all this joy and celebration around the shape that symbolizes love, let’s not forget the heart inside your loved one’s chest.