Cada día es una nueva oportunidad

somos criaturas de hábito, y los viejos hábitos, aunque malos, son muy difíciles de superar. ¡Nuestro cerebro es tan complicado! Si no, ¿cómo explicar el impulso que nos lleva a comer una ración grande de papitas fritas y un cheeseburger doble cuando vamos a McDonald’s, o a devorar los postres recién horneados que trae una colega incluso sabiendo que atentan contra nuestros propios intereses? Nuestro cerebro se activa con estas tentaciones porque las mismas dan señal de recompensa. Y a los humanos nos encanta la recompensa y la comodidad. Pero tenía que volver a entrar en camino. Por suerte, tenía las herramientas para intentarlo. Esta vez no me sentía culpable. Sé muy bien que el cerebro puede ser reentrenado. Necesitaba cambiar mi ambiente, mi rutina y repetir, repetir y repetir hasta que entrara en el sistema.

Prostate Health: To Screen, or Not to Screen

As every Primary Care Physician knows, men don’t like to go to the doctor. In Latin culture – and I’ve found this to be true with men of many cultures – a false sense of “machismo” gets in the way of having an annual wellness exam and a forthright discussion of symptoms and concerns, especially when it comes talking about sexual health. September is national Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, which serves as an important reminder for men to start a conversation with their doctor about a topic they may be too embarrassed to talk about.

Three Back-to-School Steps For Your Child’s Health

As a parent of school-aged children, I know that August is a hectic month: shopping for supplies, finishing summer reading, and coordinating drop-off and pick-up schedules are just a few items on our to-do list. As a Primary Care Physician, I also know that ensuring your child is healthy and ready to learn is just as important as notebooks and a backpack.

Ready to Fly

As I arrived at Emory University to begin a “Health Coach” certification program, I recalled my previous visit to Atlanta, some 40 years earlier, to attend an Eastern Airlines training. It occurred to me that Eastern’s advertising tag line – “The Wings of Man” – which sounded so appropriate at the time, certainly would not fly in today’s more gender-conscious world. Here I was again, a woman ready to spread her wings, excited to begin yet another adventure.

¡Lista para volar!

[avatar user=”doller” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=””]por Denisse Oller[/avatar]A mi llegada a Emory University para comenzar un programa de certificación en “Health Coach” (Tutoría de salud), me vino a la memoria mi última visita a Atlanta, hará unos 40 años para asistir a un entrenamiento de la aerolínea Eastern Airlines. Se me ocurrió pensar que el lema
-> Continue reading ¡Lista para volar!

Lobster Roll Food Obesity Healthy Version Recipe

Lessons of the Lobster Roll

We were enjoying the view, the sea breeze, and our lobster rolls when next to us sat a family of four, the parents and their two adolescent kids. I did not immediately pay attention, that is, until the son placed his order: home fries, Mac n’ Cheese, a king-size portion of fried chicken fingers with a double dose of ketchup and mayo, and a large Coke. Suddenly, I had a hard time enjoying my lobster roll.

Lobster Roll Food Obesity Healthy Version Recipe

Lecciones de un antojo

Disfrutábamos de la espectacular vista, de una suave brisa marina y de nuestros deliciosos rollitos de langosta, cuando a nuestro lado se sentó una familia de cuatro, los padres y sus dos hijos adolescentes. No les presté mucha atención hasta que uno de los chicos pidió su orden: papas fritas, Mac n’ Cheese, una porción grande de pollo frito con doble ración de kétchup y mayonesa, y una Cola Cola grande. De repente, me sentí llena de ver tanto comer.

asthma myths debunked

“No Symptoms, No Asthma” and other Dangerous Myths

Too many patients – not to mention parents of asthmatic children – become complacent and neglect to fill their prescription or take their control medicine. This is a big mistake because the most important goal is to prevent the next asthma attack. All too often, patients end up in an emergency room to treat an attack that could have been avoided to begin with. As Asthma Awareness Month comes to a close, let’s debunk some of the common myths shared by many patients.