To Beard or not to Beard?

No-Shave November, otherwise known as ‘Movember’ is a month-long journey during which individuals forgo shaving and grooming in order to spark conversation and raise awareness of men’s health issues, such as cancer awareness and men’s suicide. And in lieu of the need to purchase shaving and grooming products, participants instead will donate to educate about cancer prevention, save lives, and aid those fighting the battle.

Breast Care Break Down: What You Should Know About Breast Cancer

[avatar user=”dponieman” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=””]By: Diego Ponieman, M.D. M.P.H.[/avatar]”1 in 8 women get breast cancer. Today, I’m the one,” wrote actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus just a few weeks ago. All of us know someone – family member, co-worker, friend – who has breast cancer, which is the second most common cancer affecting American women. October is
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Prostate Health: To Screen, or Not to Screen

As every Primary Care Physician knows, men don’t like to go to the doctor. In Latin culture – and I’ve found this to be true with men of many cultures – a false sense of “machismo” gets in the way of having an annual wellness exam and a forthright discussion of symptoms and concerns, especially when it comes talking about sexual health. September is national Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, which serves as an important reminder for men to start a conversation with their doctor about a topic they may be too embarrassed to talk about.

The Cancer That Kills 50,000 Americans Annually is Highly Preventable. What Are We Waiting For?

In 1998, Today Show host Katie Couric tragically, and very publicly, lost her husband to colon cancer, shining a spotlight on this “silent killer.” In an effort to encourage screening and awareness, Couric famously underwent a colonoscopy live on the Today Show. If she can do it, America began to think, “maybe I can too.” Two years later, in 2000, then-president Bill Clinton proclaimed March Colorectal Awareness Month.