Somos lo que comemos

Lo que comemos impacta nuestro cuerpo y nuestra salud en general. Nuestro consumo de alimentos nos impacta en todos los sentidos, desde nuestros niveles de energía y estado de ánimo hasta nuestro peso y habilidad de completar tareas. Lo que ponemos en nuestro organismo es lo que nos mantiene durante el día, por lo que es importante comer alimentos nutritivos que nos energicen y lleven a establecer una actitud positiva. También es importante darnos cuenta de que la nutrición es un factor muy importante para mantenernos sanos y evitar posibles enfermedades u otros problemas de salud.

You Are What You Eat

What we eat directly impacts our bodies and overall. Food affects everything from our energy levels and mood, to our weight and ability to complete tasks. What we put into our bodies is what sustains us throughout the day, so it’s important to eat nutrient-packed foods that will set us up with an energized body and positive attitude. It is also important to realize that nutrition is a huge factor in staying healthy and avoiding potential diseases or other issues.

An Active NYC Summer

The sun is out, temperatures are up, and school is quickly coming to an end. The start of summer vacation is an exciting time, but it can also require an adjustment for many families. Kids are in school for most of the year, staying engaged mentally and physically in class and during after-school activities. With the start of the summer right around the corner, families have the perfect opportunity to introduce new routines that encourage healthy physical activity while enjoying time together.