Foods to Fuel Your Immune System

With September around the corner, kids will soon be heading back to school and the rest and relaxation of summer will come to an end. Now is the time to start thinking of ways to boost our immune systems in time for the shift in seasons. The basics tips to prevent getting yourself or others sick include regularly washing your hands and covering your mouth when coughing, sneezing, or yawning. However, there is so much more we can do to strengthen our immune systems – starting with boosting our diets.

Alimentos que fortalecen tu sistema inmunológico

Con la llegada de septiembre, los niños regresarán muy pronto a la escuela y, así, el descanso y la relajación del verano llegarán a su fin. Ahora es momento de empezar a pensar en maneras efectivas para fortalecer nuestro sistema inmunológico justo a tiempo para el cambio de estaciones. Entre las recomendaciones básicas para evitar que tú u otras personas se enfermen sobresalen: lavarse regularmente las manos y cubrirse la boca al toser, estornudar o bostezar. Sin embargo, hay mucho más que podemos hacer para fortalecer nuestro sistema inmunológico, empezando por mejorar la calidad de nuestra dieta.

Immunizations are Important

Summer is almost over which means kids are heading back to school. One of the most important ways to prepare your children for the new school year is to make sure they are up to date on their vaccines. You or your child can be immunized at many places including your SOMOS primary doctor’s office or at pharmacies or community clinics.

Mi madre, el Alzheimer y yo

[avatar user=”doller” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=””]por Denisse Oller[/avatar]Mi madre vivió los últimos diez años de su vida víctima del Alzheimer. Al principio, olvidaba realizar las tareas más comunes de la rutina diaria. Después, empezó a confundir nombres, fechas, personas. Su deterioro, que se agravó velozmente a partir de esas primeras manifestaciones, prosiguió hasta devastar por completo
-> Continue reading Mi madre, el Alzheimer y yo

Preventing Cognitive Decline

Cognitive decline affects thousands of older adults every year but remains misunderstood by many Americans. The condition manifests through a full spectrum of symptoms from confusion and memory loss, Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Despite the fact that one in nine adults above age 45 experience confusion or memory loss and one in 10 adults age 65 and older develop Alzheimer’s, less than 50 percent of adults who begin experiencing symptoms visit their doctor. Although there is no cure for cognitive decline, adults can take everyday precautions to avoid or delay the onset of symptoms.

A Beginner’s Guide to Therapy

When it comes to seeing a therapist, far too many people don’t have a clue as to where to start. The process of finding the right therapist can be daunting, and cultural misconceptions about mental health can prevent asking others for help.  These myths and misconceptions vary according to culture and age group, but they all share stigma that can keep people – especially in communities of color – from seeking necessary treatment. Let’s debunk some therapy myths.

Ejercicio físico y salud mental

Todas sabemos que el ejercicio físico es bueno para nuestra salud, pero ¿sabías que está comprobado que hacer ejercicio regularmente también tiene efectos benéficos para la salud mental? En efecto, ejercitar el cuerpo puede ayudar a controlar y hasta aminorar algunas enfermedades de tipo mental, como depresión, ansiedad, trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad, entre otras. Además de ayudar a liberarnos del estrés, el ejercicio es ideal para mejorar la memoria, favorecer un sueño nocturno profundo y, en general, para generar un mejor estado de ánimo.

Physical Exercise = Better Mental Health

We all know exercise is good for your physical health, but did you know that consistent exercise is proven to have significant benefits for your mental health too? Regular exercise can help serious mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, among others. But how does that happen? What kind of exercises should we be doing to achieve these benefits? How much exercise does it take to get these results?

Mental Health in Minority Communities

Mental health issues affect people regardless of culture, race, ethnicity, age, gender, or sexual orientation with nearly one in five American adults experiencing a mental illness at some point in their life, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). It’s key to remember that mental health is just as important as physical health and should be treated with an equally high priority. There is no shame in being proactive and seeking help.