Mi madre, el Alzheimer y yo

[avatar user=”doller” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”https://somoscc.wpengine.com/who-we-are/denisse-oller”]por Denisse Oller[/avatar]Mi madre vivió los últimos diez años de su vida víctima del Alzheimer. Al principio, olvidaba realizar las tareas más comunes de la rutina diaria. Después, empezó a confundir nombres, fechas, personas. Su deterioro, que se agravó velozmente a partir de esas primeras manifestaciones, prosiguió hasta devastar por completo
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Preventing Cognitive Decline

Cognitive decline affects thousands of older adults every year but remains misunderstood by many Americans. The condition manifests through a full spectrum of symptoms from confusion and memory loss, Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Despite the fact that one in nine adults above age 45 experience confusion or memory loss and one in 10 adults age 65 and older develop Alzheimer’s, less than 50 percent of adults who begin experiencing symptoms visit their doctor. Although there is no cure for cognitive decline, adults can take everyday precautions to avoid or delay the onset of symptoms.