DASH-ing to Better Health at ACP

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Proper nutrition and exercise are fundamental to good health. That’s why ACP has adopted the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet – and tailored it to acknowledge the dietary and cultural preferences of our Chinese and Latino communities as well as budgetary constraints – to support our Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Asthma and Chronic Disease projects.

u.s. news best dietsThe DASH diet emphasizes eating whole grains, fruits, and vegetables while limiting salt and sugar. Study after study has shown it can also reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease, heart failure, and diabetes. DASH is an effective way to lose weight. In 2017, it was rated again the best overall diet in the U.S. News & World Report’s annual diet ranking – the seventh consecutive year it has won the top spot.

At DASH diet Workshops held on three consecutive Fridays in January, dozens of our CHWs and colleagues learned about hypertension, diabetes, and weight control – and how DASH can help control or even cure these conditions. Our CHWs are now better prepared to bring the DASH message to patients, practices, and the community.

DASH videos on the topics of salt, sugar and an overview of this nutritional plan – starring Denisse Oller in English and Spanish, Angela Lee in Cantonese, and Li Gio and Yiming Liang in Mandarin, are in production. We plan to release the initial four DASH videos within the next two weeks.

Through hands-on workshops at CBOs, schools, and other partners, ACP is bringing DASH to the community with Denisse Oller – a trained chef – providing information and demonstrations to help participants understand how good nutrition can help prevent chronic disease, so they make healthier choices at the grocery store, in the kitchen, and at the table. We want to encourage them to exercise, too.

Here at ACP, we’re planning to step up our wellness game with healthier catering, nutritional education, and on-site exercise programs.

Our communities have limited understanding of the impact that food plays on health and wellness. That is why we are counting on each and every one of you, as ambassadors for ACP, to take an active role in spreading the word: the healthier you eat, the healthier you become.

Thank you for your commitment.

Special thanks to Dr. Richard Bernstein, Poley Chang, Li Guo, Jessica Ing, Angela Lee, Ruowen Liu, Grace Mau, Melanie Martinez, Tom Milligan, Moises Perez, Dr. Diego Ponieman, Shariff De Los Santos, Soraya Sussman, Migna Taveras, Lidia Virgil, and Deaera Williams R.N.


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