Helgerson Addresses Concerns Regarding DSRIP Under New Administration

In response to concerns regarding the future of DSRIP under the new administration, Medicaid Director Jason Helgerson yesterday issued a clarifying and reassuring message (below), and encouraged us to proceed with “fact-based optimism” in our efforts to transform healthcare.

Mario J. Paredes
Chief Executive Officer
Advocate Community Providers

All – With the election results, many have raised questions regarding implications for DSRIP. We wanted to share the following points to help clarify some concerns.

  • DSRIP is not part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and would not be affected by legislative attempts related to the ACA.
  • DSRIP is part of a waiver amendment agreement with CMS, authorized through March 2020 and run by the state government.
  • Health care system reform and Value Based Payment efforts will continue as these are industry drivers for improved quality and sustainability. Medicare has adopted VBP as part of their program policy and commercial payers are pursuing similar arrangements.

The tremendous efforts by the State and the PPSs to transform the system under DSRIP will continue. Please keep focused on the DSRIP goals and projects, and maintain the collaborative and positive work you and your staff have accomplished so far. Proceed with Fact-based Optimism.

Jason Helgerson
Medicaid Director

See full email here.