Spring Cleaning: Stay Clutter-Free for your Health

[avatar user=”doller” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”https://somoscc.wpengine.com/who-we-are/denisse-oller”]by Denisse Oller[/avatar]

The spring season brings about longer days and warmer weather, but it also hallmarks fresh starts and new beginnings. Every spring we celebrate “spring cleaning,” which inspires us to break open our closets and drawers to declutter and bring new life to neglected areas in our homes.

Not only is cleaning beneficial and key to a healthy home, but decluttering can do wonders for your mental clarity and focus. We want to add, however, that it’s also important to do some “spring cleaning” for your health.

So why should you participate in “spring cleaning?”

  1. Better focus. Researchers at the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute found that physical clutter negatively affects your ability to focus and process information. This means the clutter in your life is making you unfocused. You’ll have a harder time staying on task at work, and you won’t be as “present” in your home life either. By decluttering, you will be more focused on your world.
  2. It’s cathartic. Depending on what types of items your removing from your life, decluttering can serve as a kind of catharsis, or releasing of pent-up emotions. This in turn will have a positive effect on your mental state, making you feel accomplished.
  3. More money. That’s right. Remember that decluttering often means selling valuable items or pieces you no longer need in your life. You probably won’t get rich, but everybody could use a little extra money in their pockets.

In addition, there are many health benefits to going clutter free.

  • Cleaning supports a strong immune system. A study by the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunity found that cleaning your home and decluttering your space can help you avoid allergy symptoms and make you feel healthier.
  • Cleaning reduces stress. The physical act of cleaning may turn your brain off for a bit and allow you to relax your mind. Studies show that doing housework for as little as 20 minutes can reduce your stress and anxiety by up to 20%.
  • Cleaning can improve heart health. A 2017 study found that sitting for just 30 minutes or less per day was associated with a decreased risk of fatal cardiovascular events. So, 30 minutes per day of light exercise (including vacuuming, mopping, and scrubbing floors) can decrease your risk of heart disease.
  • A clean bedroom will help you get a good night’s sleep. A poll by The National Sleep Foundation found that 75% sleep better on clean sheets with a fresh scent.

This spring, let’s work to declutter our lifestyles and remember, as we give our homes a clean out, let’s also focus on dusting off our health and wellness routines and spruce things up.