Healthy Recipe: Quinoa Mama

By: Denisse Oller This is one of those dishes that saves me anytime I have unexpected company. Not only is it easy and quick to make, it is also nutritious and riquísimo! By the way, quinoa dates back to the Inca civilization and stands alone as a complete protein source, unusual among food plants. No
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Receta Saludable: Quinoa Mama

Este es uno de esos platos que me saca de apuros cada vez que me llega una visita inesperada. No solo es fácil y rápido de hacer, sino que también es nutritivo y ¡riquísimo! La quinoa, cuyo origen se remonta a la antigua civilización inca, se destaca por ser una fuente completa de proteínas, algo poco común entre los alimentos vegetales. No por gusto los incas la llamaban “la madre de todos los granos.”

Minority Health Month – An Interview with ACP President Dr. Henry Chen

[avatar user=”hchen” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=””]By: Henry Chen, MD[/avatar]April is Minority Health Month, and ACP interviewed Dr. Henry Chen, a leading community-based Primary Care Physician in private practice for more than 20 years in New York City, where he manages the health care of patients in the Asian communities of Brooklyn and Manhattan. Dr. Chen also
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